GYM Webpage

I made this static webpage during my initial days. When was in 1st year of my college and this webpage I showed up in "Tech Fest 2019" which held in my college. I got certificate of participation.

Here is the link

Digital Clock

I made this project using HTML , CSS & Javascript. I learn a lot of thing while making this project, that how to use "new Date()" in javascript & fetch hour, minute, day, date etc .

Here is the link


This is a Dynamic website it means javascript is used in this project "Yes" . I learned a lot from this project first I created an object of quotes and then I used "object.keys()" and also I used "Math.Random()" these two methods helped me a lot for achieving this.

Here is the link

Pass the Message

In this project, you just have to type something whether it's your name or anything which you want to print below. I made this project so that I can learn how to use "inner.HTML".

Here is the link

English Dictionary

From this project I learnt hwo to fetch "API" and use that object. Basically I took a free 'API' from web and used in my project. This project is totally built with 'Vanilla.js'.

Here is the link

Random Pictures Generator

In this project also I used 'API'. With the help of this 'API' I can generate a new random image with a just click of a button. This project is totally built with 'Vanilla.js'.

Here is the link

Friend Request

In this project I have created two buttons onr of them is to send friend request and another one is to remove as a friend . I completely built by vanilla.js and it is responsive as well.

Here is the link

Instragram Heart Like

This one is the craziest project I have made. In this project I have used transform property to center the 'Instagram-Heart' which is toggled by javascript.

Here is the link

Advice Generator

The most important stuff which I used is the 'API'. I used a free 'API' got from google by which with a click of a button you can generate a random advice.

Here is the link